from the Latin word “humus” meaning the earth, the ground, the rich soil necessary for life to be nourished and grow; the very matter essential for fertility. Humus is never pretentious; after all, some call it “dirt.”
. . . simplicity . . . honesty . . . openness . . . down-to-earthness . . . the ability to live life simply and joyfully–qualities essential for creating an environment that nurtures human growth, professional potential and spiritual maturity.
"Their distinguishing characteristic–and may the good God keep it always so–is Christian simplicity, which embodies straightforwardness, candor and the absence of all affectation."

. . . pioneering . . . prayerful . . . prophetic . . . characteristics of a religious community–sisters, associates and volunteers–committed to a corporate vision of search for life’s essential meaning, and service to those in need.
In its life and work for more than 150 years, the Congregation of the Humility of Mary has demonstrated the capacity to change with the times and to adapt to new circumstances, while holding to a core of faith.
Following the challenge of Mary’s Magnificat, the community commits itself to working for justice within the human family and caring for earth itself.
Fondly called “Humilities” by those with whom they work and live, members of the CHM strive to be genuine human beings who joyfully share their God given gifts with those in need and everyone they meet.
“Joined in religious community, we can accomplish what one alone cannot do in creating an environment of justice, love and peace.”/files/download/documents/HumilityWomanBooklet.pdf
Humility Woman is a 12-page booklet containing poems, prayers and reflections by members of the community. Quotes and definitions from these works can be found throughout this site.
Download a copy of Humility Woman...
Click here for the CHM Land Ethic and Principles of Sustainability document