Sister Michelle Schiffgens

June 27, 1930 - March 3, 2015   |   Passed On

Sister Michelle received numerous awards for her far-sighted work in education. In 1989 she was named Iowa’s Most Outstanding Educator of the Year by the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa. One of the most prized awards was the Henderson Medal, the highest award given by the Marycrest alumni.

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Orozco Anna Maria

Sister Ana Maria Orozco

October 26, 1926 - September 5, 2014   |   Passed On

… a delicate thoughtfulness, selflessness toward others, sensibility of mind and generosity of heart—all of these are precious virtues we all admire in another. But when these qualities are coupled with a gay buoyant spirit of fun, the result is a uniqueness which is difficult to emulate.”

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Sister Marilyn Reyes

March 2, 1919 - January 28, 2014   |   Passed On

Sister often said of her activities; "I'm just evangelizing." She left evangelizing footprints on the soil from Chicago to Great Falls, Montana, from Peoria, to San Diego, from Des Moines to Mexico, from California to El Paso. Hundreds of people are better off as a result of her footprints, and our CHM community is richer for her having been among us for 78 years.

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Sister Kathryn Kreager

June 1, 1921 - January 13, 2014   |   Passed On

Who knew when a rookie physical education teacher applied to teach at Ottumwa Heights Academy and Junior College that the CHMs would soon have a postulant from the "north country." Growing up in a family of five siblings and living in such a rugged climate probably gave her an edge in becoming a real sports enthusiast

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Sister Nancy Wooldridge

March 11, 1932 - October 9, 2013   |   Passed On

When we think of Sister Nancy we think of music, teaching, nursing, care-taking, cleaning, gardening, gluing puzzles, and story-telling. Music was definitely a recurring theme in her life.

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Sister Ann Leahy

August 8, 1927 - April 10, 2013   |   Passed On

Sister Ann was never one to be idle. When the new sister’s wing was finished at Bishop Drumm and our infirm sisters in the Care Center were moved to the facility in Johnston, Sister became the coordinator for the CHM group there. As usual she went about her work quietly taking care to get sisters to their doctor’s appointments, shopping for their needs, welcoming their relatives and friends, communicating with their relatives and praying with them – especially at the time of death

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Sister Leona Mary Manning

February 4, 1922 - November 18, 2012   |   Passed On

After receiving a MS in Library Science from the University of Iowa, she ministered as high school librarian at Gehlen High School in Le Mars, Iowa, and Dowling High School, Des Moines. She then spent eighteen years as periodical librarian at Marycrest College...The energetic sister with the jaunty step and the twinkling blue eyes will certainly be missed by her family, her CHM sisters and associates, and friends. I am certain that she greeted St. Peter as she greeted many of us each day – `How do.`

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Sister Rose Mary Eich

August 26, 1918 - May 12, 2012   |   Passed On

Sister seemed to be at home with all of God’s people being open to learning about them and being willing to serve wherever the Spirit led her. No one can deny that she did more than her share in building up the body of Christ.

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Sister Joan Gabel

January 1, 1937 - April 30, 2012   |   Passed On

Her sense of humor lightened many a moment. Like her Irish mother, she had a humorous streak which often brought a laugh or tickled the funny bone. Her strong sense of purpose, love of nature, and introspectiveness reflected her father

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Sister Mary Lou Durbala

March 10, 1929 - February 18, 2012   |   Passed On

We can see that Sister Mary Lou through her many years of teaching fanned the Humility flame in many diverse places.

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Sister Camille Clark

September 26, 1927 - December 25, 2011   |   Passed On

I am sure all of you can agree that she was indeed a fun nun! One of her favorite lines was "I tell everything I know and a little more besides."

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Sister Miriam Clare Miller

May 19, 1918 - December 10, 2011   |   Passed On

We welcome all of you who have come to pay your respects to Sister Miriam Clare Miller and her family. You are relatives, friends, and CHM sisters and associates. This is a night of praying,...

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Sister Joanne O'Brien

July 26, 1934 - November 5, 2011   |   Passed On

I believe the writer of the book of Proverbs gives us much food for thought as we ponder Joanne’s life. In Proverbs 31:16 we read about the “valiant woman” who when she sets her mind on a field then buys it….31:17 `She puts her back into her work and shows how strong her arms can be.` Joanne was a valiant woman

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Sister Lucia Kadolph

November 17, 1923 - September 14, 2011   |   Passed On

Yes, Sister certainly lived the Gospel message in simplicity, humility, and joy. May that be said of all of us someday.

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Sister Mary Heinen

October 26, 1913 - August 26, 2011   |   Passed On

All seem to agree that she was indeed a true Sister of Humility and a wonderful example of acceptance and humility.

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