Sisters' billboards promote care for Earth

January 16, 2016   |   Deirdre Cox Baker |

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Davenport nun visits site of El Salvador killings on 35th anniversary

December 26, 2015   |   Deirdre Cox Baker |

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The most forgotten people in the world

December 23, 2015   |   Sister Dolores Schuh, CHM

“I hope you are doing okay at this time.” This is how almost every letter I get from Danny, my death row pen pal begins. In fact, it is how the letters I get from several other men on death row begin. I guess it means the same as “How are you? I am fine,” which is how I used to start letters to my aunts, uncles and grandparents when I was a youngster.

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Humility of Mary celebrates 'Year of Consecrated Life'

October 18, 2015   |   Linda Cook |

Visitors learned more about the mission and the history of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary on Sunday afternoon.

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Iowa faith leaders speak out against calls to enact death penalty

  |   Connie Ryan, Iowa View contributor

At its core, our opposition to the death penalty is based in our faith traditions that inform our beliefs on what is right and wrong and what we must stand against on behalf of our faith and human rights. Our collective faiths compel us to use our voices to declare the death penalty wrong and immoral. The government should not kill a human being as retribution or punishment, regardless of the person’s actions.

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Paving the path for immigrants to thrive: Sister Irene Munoz leaves a legacy in six decades of ministry

  |   Barb Arland-Fye

Sister Irene Munoz, or “Madre Irene,” as she is known fondly in the Hispanic community, leaves more than her heart in Ottumwa after retiring July 31 as multicultural minister. For the many people whose lives she touched, Madre Irene leaves the gifts of inspiration, motivation, perseverance and the Catholic faith to carry on her work of service to and empowerment of others for generations to come.

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Sr. Helen Strohman Resting in Heavenly Peace

  |   Joyce Bieber

Sister Helen Strohman entered eternal life on April 7, 2023.

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