A God Quest

Lynn Mousel

Sister Lynn serves as a child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Recently a new tagline was created for the Sisters of Humility: "Inspired by God. Serving You." This is an easy way to explain the meaning of "Search and Service," which is the CHM body of fundamental principles established in the late 60s. Sister Lynn Mousel, "The Youngest Nun" reflects on this:

Now that I have introduced myself, I would like to give a glimpse of what my daily life is like as a Catholic sister, and in particular a Sister of Humility. I'd like to shed light on not only what sisters do, but the spirit in which they do it.

The constitution for the Sisters of Humility is called Search and Service. The service dimension is fairly self-explanatory. A big part of what sisters are about is serving others, being particularly attentive to the needs of the times.

Sister Lynn searches through prayer with her sisters.
But what is the search dimension? This is what drew me to religious life! It's possible for women today to be involved in essentially any ministry without entering religious life. But as a sister, I strive to be grounded in a life of prayer and relationship with God. This is a lifelong search out of which my ministry flows. I am supported along this journey by other wonderful women who have chosen the same path, with a similar devotion to the “God quest,” as Sr.Sandra Schneiders puts it.

For anyone reading this who might be "searching," the Congregation of the Humility of Mary (CHM) is a great resource. Feel free to e-mail [email protected] with any question.