Blessed are the Peacemakers
The Congregation of the Humility of Mary (CHM) mission statement states, "We commit ourselves as individuals, and as a congregation, to work for justice within the human family and care of Earth itself."
So it is no surprise that CHMs get very involved in social justice issues. When it comes to what they believe in they literally will take a stand.
In this video from May 2018 Sr. Jeanie Hagedorn, CHM, made an appeal to fellow Christians in Des Moines, Iowa, to take a look at this IA Drone Command Center and measure it by our Just War Traditions. She quoted Bishop Richard Pates of the Des Moines Diocese in giving a summary of what needs to be addressed and judged.
Sr. Jeanie calls it "rabble-rousing". I call it women of God doing the work of the gospel. In Des Moines the photo at top was taken in June 2018 and features Sr. Elaine Hagedorn, CHM, holding the "Our Children" sign. She says she's still young enough to do the "good stuff" and was among thousands of people nationwide shining a light on the horrible costs of our war economy and demanding action to end poverty, racism, and militarism.
Also in June, CHM Sisters Johanna Rickl (standing), Kathleen Henneberry, and Mary Bea Snyder braved the Iowa heat to attend a rally promoting fair and just comprehensive immigration reform. Sr. Mary Ann Vogel, CHM President said, "Our mission is to work for justice within the human family...What does love your neighbor as yourself mean? Certainly not separating parents and their children."
In May 2018 Srs. Elaine and Jeanie along with Sr. Mary McCauley, BVM (center) attended a gathering commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Postville Raid.
In 2017, in light of the fraught political climate, CHMs joined Catholic Sisters of the Upper Mississippi Valley on a Kindness Campaign, encouraging people to get in the habit of being kind to each other. In Davenport, Iowa, CHM Srs. Greta Fitzgerald and Catherine Linnenkamp took the campaign to our local movie theatre and Sr. Kathleen Henneberry took "Kindness" to a "No Hate" rally.
Sisters also volunteer for social justice organizations, write letters to the editor and make phone calls and physical visits to their legislators. And they PRAY. Often. Just as CHM Sisters Cathy Talarico, Joann Kuebrich, Kathleen Tomlonovic, Jude Fitzpatrick and Associate Rosemary Hendricks did around the Peace Pole at Humility of Mary Center last month after the Congregation adopted the "CHM Action Statement on Comprehensive immigration Reform."
Sisters of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary have been taking a stand for many years and they aren't about to quit.
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be known as the children of God." -Matthew 5:9