Enhance Spiritual Growth at OLPR Through Birdies for Charity
You can help Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat enhance spiritual growth opportunities! We are participating in the John Deere Golf Classic (JDGC) Birdies for Charity. In 2020 we received more than $4,000 in donations that were matched at 5% by Birdies for Charity. We hope to surpass last year’s effort. Donations are used to make improvements to the facilities and enrich our retreat offerings. JDGC is encouraging donors to make donations online and have made it very easy to do so. Simply click here and you will be taken directly to OLPR’s Birdies for Charity donation page. You can also learn more about the great things that JDGC does for the community! For more information about retreats at The Prairie, visit www.theprairieretreat.org!
The Prairie offers people of all faiths an environment of quiet beauty conducive to:
- personal prayer and reflection,
- inner growth and nurturing the soul,
- group team building, creative thinking and decision making.
Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat is a sponsored ministry of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary.