Treasuring the CHM Associate Relationship

Maria Clare Delsing News

The impact of the CHM Associate Program is the deepening of special relationships with both the associates and sisters. The many friends I have made I consider as my second family. I have moved further away but I am able to keep in close contact because of today's technology. The sisters and associates are always there to help with prayerful and moral support .

My spiritual life is definitely changed since becoming a CHM Associate. My formal prayer is now more consistent and meaningful. Having the opportunity to say morning and evening prayers and do reflections in the morning on a consistent basis has helped me to keep the Lord in the fore front of my day. 

I just read about prayer and how we often think only of formal prayer.  But the importance of doing something for someone else, the saying of "thank you," just being kind, is all part of our daily prayer life. 

All our actions comprise our prayer life. Learning to let go of things we have no control over and forgiveness are such important aspects of prayer. Also important is being an active member of our parish and using the gifts that we have been given. 

These are a few of the things that I have learned from the CHM sisters and associates that have enhanced my spiritual life.

Photos: Top- CHM Associates having some fun. L-R: Maria Delsing, Barb Gross, Jan Pullella and Pat Knopick. Right - Maria Delsing (L) sharing a moment with Sister Rachel Beeson. Bottom -  CHM Associates gather each year during the CHM Annual Assembly. Maria is in 2nd to back row center in green.

-CHM Associates are people called to live the CHM mission without vows and within the context of their contemporary lives. They choose to deepen their baptismal call through prayer, service and community in the spirit of the founders of the Congregation. The purpose is mutual enrichment and sharing of energy, insight and inspiration.