Sister Mary Amata Yackshaw

April 14, 1922 - April 16, 2011   |   Passed On

Sister’s ministry at St. Joseph’s spanned thirty-seven plus years during which she served as anesthesia assistant, operating room nurse, three to eleven floor supervisor, and emergency room nurse. After retirement Sister Amata became involved in volunteer activities including helping with Easter baskets for the needy. In 1992 she was honored by Governor Branstad for service to the community.

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Sister Mary Kathleen Krebsbach

August 29, 1910 - April 16, 2011   |   Passed On

To paraphrase a couple of lines from her poem, `Dreams Then Reality,` now she is seeing her dreams of a bright future in eternity colored as joys of a beautiful long hoped for picture.

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Sister Mary Veronica McAndrews

March 14, 1912 - April 7, 2011   |   Passed On

Sister Veronica had those maternal qualities which made her a natural as a housemother for a college dormitory. She welcomed hundreds of girls to Marycrest and soothed parents as they bid goodbye to their young daughters.

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Sister Mary Hildegarde Peiffer

April 4, 1917 - March 27, 2011   |   Passed On

Sister Hildegarde never let physical infirmities stand in the way of what our founders had in mind when they wrote; `…the sisters share a mission of the church; to give witness to the message of the beatitudes according to the congregation’s spirit and tradition.` (Search and Service, p. 42, #93)

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Sister Mary Suzanne Wickenkamp

January 15, 1921 - February 1, 2011   |   Passed On

This woman’s unstinting service and valuable contribution will live on as an inspiration to those she instructed, a blessing to those whose lives she touched, an eternal monument to humble workers.`

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Sister Rita Lenaghan

January 4, 1927 - January 20, 2011   |   Passed On

After some twenty-five years as a pastoral minister at Our lady of Lourdes, Sister was recognized for her service by receiving the Pro Ecclesia Medal which is given by the Pope and the Church to persons who have used their time and talents in an exemplary way.

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Sister M. Gabriel Wolf

February 4, 1908 - December 18, 2010   |   Passed On

Sister was always eager to take part in civic and community activities. One of our best pictures is one where she is riding on a float honoring Humility Sisters in Catholic education in a Great Falls parade. Another picture finds her up in a tree picking fruit.

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Sister Teresa Gomez

September 5, 1915 - October 27, 2010   |   Passed On

`When I think of Marycrest, I fondly recall my first teacher, Sister Mary Agnes Clare. She was my kindergarten teacher from Marycrest in 1943 and my college instructor in elementary education classes from 1956-1960. Her gentle perfection served as an example to me as a child and as a young woman. I appreciate even more today her dedication, her beauty, and her humility.

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Sister Rita Shepard

September 6, 1919 - April 1, 2010   |   Passed On

Her tinyness of stature belied a large heart and generous spirit. Considering her service to parishes, catechism classes and vacation schools, she must have prepared hundreds of children to receive their first Holy Communion

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Sister Eleanor Neuroth

November 24, 1919 - March 7, 2010   |   Passed On

.Undoubtedly, many Ottumwa area children got their start in life with the loving care of Sister Francis De Sales. Sister herself said that she had a special place in her heart for `preemies,

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Sister Marcia Kearney

August 18, 1923 - March 1, 2010   |   Passed On

Sister Marcia embraced each new ministry and life experience with enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and a sense of purpose

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Sister Annette Gallagher

November 10, 1924 - January 24, 2010   |   Passed On

`I have never doubted my vocation and thank God for leading me to the Congregation of the Humility of Mary

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Sister May Annette (Armina) Gallagher

November 10, 1924 - January 24, 2010   |   Passed On

She was an excellent American history teacher, both admired and loved by her students. For many years she worked closely with the alumni and was instrumental in developing a strong Marycrest Alumni Association.

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Sister Edith Giacomuzzi

February 22, 1927 - October 31, 2009   |   Passed On

I would like to paraphrase a verse which Sister Edith wrote for those 8th grade students on the occasion of their reunion: `I lift these hands dear God, to you in praise and thank you for all you did-you lit the path through all my days and blessed me with your loving ways.`

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Sister Anita Rose Grimes

July 7, 1915 - August 20, 2009   |   Passed On

You always knew where you stood with Sister Anita Rose; she told it like it was. It seemed the older she got, the freer she became.

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