Sister Leona Mary Manning

February 4, 1922 - November 18, 2012   |   Passed On

After receiving a MS in Library Science from the University of Iowa, she ministered as high school librarian at Gehlen High School in Le Mars, Iowa, and Dowling High School, Des Moines. She then spent eighteen years as periodical librarian at Marycrest College...The energetic sister with the jaunty step and the twinkling blue eyes will certainly be missed by her family, her CHM sisters and associates, and friends. I am certain that she greeted St. Peter as she greeted many of us each day – `How do.`

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Sister Ann Leahy

August 8, 1927 - April 10, 2013   |   Passed On

Sister Ann was never one to be idle. When the new sister’s wing was finished at Bishop Drumm and our infirm sisters in the Care Center were moved to the facility in Johnston, Sister became the coordinator for the CHM group there. As usual she went about her work quietly taking care to get sisters to their doctor’s appointments, shopping for their needs, welcoming their relatives and friends, communicating with their relatives and praying with them – especially at the time of death

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Sister Nancy Wooldridge

March 11, 1932 - October 9, 2013   |   Passed On

When we think of Sister Nancy we think of music, teaching, nursing, care-taking, cleaning, gardening, gluing puzzles, and story-telling. Music was definitely a recurring theme in her life.

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Sister Kathryn Kreager

June 1, 1921 - January 13, 2014   |   Passed On

Who knew when a rookie physical education teacher applied to teach at Ottumwa Heights Academy and Junior College that the CHMs would soon have a postulant from the "north country." Growing up in a family of five siblings and living in such a rugged climate probably gave her an edge in becoming a real sports enthusiast

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Sister Marilyn Reyes

March 2, 1919 - January 28, 2014   |   Passed On

Sister often said of her activities; "I'm just evangelizing." She left evangelizing footprints on the soil from Chicago to Great Falls, Montana, from Peoria, to San Diego, from Des Moines to Mexico, from California to El Paso. Hundreds of people are better off as a result of her footprints, and our CHM community is richer for her having been among us for 78 years.

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Orozco Anna Maria

Sister Ana Maria Orozco

October 26, 1926 - September 5, 2014   |   Passed On

… a delicate thoughtfulness, selflessness toward others, sensibility of mind and generosity of heart—all of these are precious virtues we all admire in another. But when these qualities are coupled with a gay buoyant spirit of fun, the result is a uniqueness which is difficult to emulate.”

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Sister Michelle Schiffgens

June 27, 1930 - March 3, 2015   |   Passed On

Sister Michelle received numerous awards for her far-sighted work in education. In 1989 she was named Iowa’s Most Outstanding Educator of the Year by the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa. One of the most prized awards was the Henderson Medal, the highest award given by the Marycrest alumni.

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Sister Patrice Steffes

August 19, 1942 - March 11, 2015   |   Passed On

In her “block” on the bicentennial quilt at the foot of the steps to the dining room, Patrice shows a figure at an easel, a cat at her foot, surrounded by the things she named as important to her: community, friends, family, teacher, children, animals, art, gifts from God, angels and bike riding.

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Brinker Marilyn

Sister Marilyn Brinker

May 19, 1943 - April 4, 2015   |   Passed On

It involved following one’s intuition, feelings, and inner spirit...It meant trusting one’s openness in ministry while celebrating life experiences...It demanded discerning decisions, managing difficult choices, taking risks for the good of the whole, while being guided by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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Sister Marcia Marie Costello

October 19, 1931 - June 3, 2015   |   Passed On

She said that she knew from age 10 that she was going to be a sister but she had three things on her “bucket list” before entering: to complete a degree, to date a nice Catholic young man and have a good time, and to ride to the convent in a Cadillac. In 1953, with a degree from Marycrest College, and having dated a Catholic man for more than two years, her father bought a “baby-blue” Cadillac in which she rode to the Humility of Mary motherhouse in Ottumwa on September 8.

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Sister Mary Anne Leto

February 16, 1928 - July 1, 2015   |   Passed On

Sister Mary Anne brought a warm, kindly demeanor to those she served, be it students, elderly residents or her CHM sisters. We remember her smile and will miss it

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Sister Joanne Mauro

February 5, 1940 - August 28, 2015   |   Passed On

Sister Joanne’s commitment to her family was definitely a ministry. She not only taught and counseled nieces and nephews but also grandnieces and nephews and cousins near and distant....She was definitely a woman of prayer.

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Sister Carolyn Mullin

August 18, 1920 - August 28, 2015   |   Passed On

She was a person who enjoyed life and accepted adversity with humor and common sense. She could quickly analyze an issue, accept what was relevant and not worry herself with what wasn’t. Her matter of fact way was both reassuring and often very humorous

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Sister Modesta Neubauer

May 30, 1925 - October 4, 2015   |   Passed On

We saw that very early that Sr. Modesta was interested in caring for others. This thread would run through all of her ministries, from caring for small children through assisting her CHM sisters who needed nursing care.

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Sister Mary Rocca

September 26, 1935 - October 27, 2015   |   Passed On

Mary was a woman of many gifts that were shared with many people. She was a teacher in the elementary grades, nurse, English language teacher to people from other countries, playful clown for children and adults, sister to eight siblings, and “sister” to her CHM sisters and associates

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