Sister Teresa Gomez

September 5, 1915 - October 27, 2010   |   Passed On

`When I think of Marycrest, I fondly recall my first teacher, Sister Mary Agnes Clare. She was my kindergarten teacher from Marycrest in 1943 and my college instructor in elementary education classes from 1956-1960. Her gentle perfection served as an example to me as a child and as a young woman. I appreciate even more today her dedication, her beauty, and her humility.

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Sister Rita Lenaghan

January 4, 1927 - January 20, 2011   |   Passed On

After some twenty-five years as a pastoral minister at Our lady of Lourdes, Sister was recognized for her service by receiving the Pro Ecclesia Medal which is given by the Pope and the Church to persons who have used their time and talents in an exemplary way.

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Sister Mary Suzanne Wickenkamp

January 15, 1921 - February 1, 2011   |   Passed On

This woman’s unstinting service and valuable contribution will live on as an inspiration to those she instructed, a blessing to those whose lives she touched, an eternal monument to humble workers.`

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Sister Mary Hildegarde Peiffer

April 4, 1917 - March 27, 2011   |   Passed On

Sister Hildegarde never let physical infirmities stand in the way of what our founders had in mind when they wrote; `…the sisters share a mission of the church; to give witness to the message of the beatitudes according to the congregation’s spirit and tradition.` (Search and Service, p. 42, #93)

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Sister Mary Veronica McAndrews

March 14, 1912 - April 7, 2011   |   Passed On

Sister Veronica had those maternal qualities which made her a natural as a housemother for a college dormitory. She welcomed hundreds of girls to Marycrest and soothed parents as they bid goodbye to their young daughters.

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Sister Mary Kathleen Krebsbach

August 29, 1910 - April 16, 2011   |   Passed On

To paraphrase a couple of lines from her poem, `Dreams Then Reality,` now she is seeing her dreams of a bright future in eternity colored as joys of a beautiful long hoped for picture.

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Sister Marie Finnegan

August 24, 1924 - June 8, 2011   |   Passed On

As the oldest child in a large family, her parents looked forward to her help; but when she told them of her plans to become a sister, they considered it a blessing for their family. It was also a blessing for the Sisters of Humility, each student, parent, and person with whom she came in contact.

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Sister Anastasia Rose Glenn

January 11, 1926 - June 12, 2011   |   Passed On

Msgr. Joseph McDonell once was quoted as saying that sister was an `advertisement for the Christian life,` as she prayed the rosary while walking each day; but it seems that phrase could apply to her entire ministry whether it be making children laugh as a leprechaun or a pumpkin, feeding hungry mouths with rolls and cookies, or inspiring others with her outward sign of faith by saying the rosary during her daily walk.

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Sister Margaret Maureen Carroll

July 7, 1921 - July 28, 2011   |   Passed On

In the Gospel reading for the Mass of the Sacred Heart, Jesus says, `Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and you will find rest for yourselves.` Sister knew from a very young age what it meant to be burdened, but she also knew the rest provided by a mother who refused to give up on life.

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Sister Mary Heinen

October 26, 1913 - August 26, 2011   |   Passed On

All seem to agree that she was indeed a true Sister of Humility and a wonderful example of acceptance and humility.

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Sister Lucia Kadolph

November 17, 1923 - September 14, 2011   |   Passed On

Yes, Sister certainly lived the Gospel message in simplicity, humility, and joy. May that be said of all of us someday.

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Sister Joanne O'Brien

July 26, 1934 - November 5, 2011   |   Passed On

I believe the writer of the book of Proverbs gives us much food for thought as we ponder Joanne’s life. In Proverbs 31:16 we read about the “valiant woman” who when she sets her mind on a field then buys it….31:17 `She puts her back into her work and shows how strong her arms can be.` Joanne was a valiant woman

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Sister Camille Clark

September 26, 1927 - December 25, 2011   |   Passed On

I am sure all of you can agree that she was indeed a fun nun! One of her favorite lines was "I tell everything I know and a little more besides."

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Sister Joan Gabel

January 1, 1937 - April 30, 2012   |   Passed On

Her sense of humor lightened many a moment. Like her Irish mother, she had a humorous streak which often brought a laugh or tickled the funny bone. Her strong sense of purpose, love of nature, and introspectiveness reflected her father

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Sister Rose Mary Eich

August 26, 1918 - May 12, 2012   |   Passed On

Sister seemed to be at home with all of God’s people being open to learning about them and being willing to serve wherever the Spirit led her. No one can deny that she did more than her share in building up the body of Christ.

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