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Blog Archive 2014

Christmas Awesomeness

December 12, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

During the holiday season there is a whole other level of Christmas awesomeness at the Humility of Mary Center.

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The Youngest Nun: Fire and Light

November 18, 2014   |   Lynn Mousel

A strong parallel in my family history and my community history is the story of a fire

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Social Media for the Greater Good

October 17, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Working in communications for and with women religious is different than in any other arena. Sisters can be very humble about tooting their own horn!

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CHMs on the Bus!

September 17, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

On the first Nuns on the Bus tour, CHM Sisters Jeanie and Elaine Hagedorn became the Des Moines contacts and personal assistants of Sister Simone Campbell and a true friendship was born

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An Invisible Cloak of Love

August 22, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Her restorative justice work began in 1987 when she was asked if she would visit a teenager, Christine, who had recently begun serving a life prison sentence

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The Youngest Nun: Super Sweet Grape Tomatoes

August 5, 2014   |   Lynn Mousel

Sister Lynn Mousel reflects on living in community in her fith post in our series - The Youngest Nun

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It's not Oz, It's Iowa

July 17, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Working for the Sisters of Humility provides blessings I would never have found in the corporate world. That they pray for me is awesome. Another favorite is the Prairie Retreat

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Care of Earth = Organic Garden

June 20, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Everyone here at Humility of Mary Center looks forward to the fresh, healthy produce coming directly from the organic garden to the CHM kitchen

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The Youngest Nun: Filling a Critical Need

May 27, 2014   |   Lynn Mousel

Before entering religious life, I had already completed my training as a child and adolescent psychiatrist. I am grateful that I have been able to continue this work as my ministry.

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Nuns are Women of Conscience and Courage

May 9, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Cokie Roberts is a big fan of women religious as she was taught by them and credits them for her success. Cokie helped us kick off the Sisters of Humility celebration of the 150th Anniversary of...

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Prayer Life of The Youngest Nun

April 29, 2014   |   Lynn Mousel

There are three main aspects of religious life that I have in mind as I structure my time - prayer, ministry and community life.

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What if it's a hoax and we create a better world for nothing?

April 16, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

The CHM mission statement is dear to me. Here are a few of the wonderful things the sisters do towards the Care for Earth part

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A God Quest

January 30, 2014   |   Lynn Mousel

A glimpse of what my daily life is like as a Catholic sister, and in particular a Sister of Humility. I'd like to shed light on not only what sisters do, but the spirit in which they do it.

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Accept the Challenge

January 16, 2014   |   Lisa Martin

Let us contemplate the humility of the Son of God born into poverty. Let us imitate him by sharing with those who are weak.

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Storms on the Prairie

January 9, 2014   |  

Week after week, 12 months per year, I see visible changes in people as they take time at The Prairie Retreat

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Cross Icon

The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

Psalms 111:2